Thursday, 16 August 2012


A sprawling green, picturesque, 40-acre campus dotted with boulders and natural rocks, Ivy League is lined with neat network of black-topped internal roads and pathways. These connect the scattered clusters of buildings which constitute the academic sections, living areas, dining segments and sports fields. The vast playgrounds provide an inspiring setting for our students to raise the bar of their mettle and prove their inner potential in various track and field games.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

IVY LEAGUE ACADEMY: Vision, Mission & Motto

Ivy League Academy is guided by a mission to prepare every single child for the challenges of a world driven by change, more than ever before. An Ivy Leaguer is the proud inheritor of an exemplary legacy of a rich, many-hued tradition and “the clear stream of reason”. He embraces modern learning in his journey through the ever-widening frontiers of knowledge.
 As they step out from the portals of the school into the larger world outside, Ivy Leaguers emerge as free, confident, caring creative, young citizens ready to take on spiritedly, the challenges that await them. This, in essence, is the substance of our mission and philosophy.